
Please scan defective items as well. If an item is missing, enter its article number instead. You can find the article number on the delivery note. 
Following the scanning process, each component will be displayed. For defective articles, click the button "Defective article? Create service ticket".

In the following screen you can describe the problem in more detail.
1. Select whether the component is defective or missing.
2. Select which component is affected.
3. Describe the defect in more detail.
4. Upload photos of the defective component, if possible.

The request will now be forwarded to our service department which will organize the exchange or delivery of the item for you.

You will be informed about the current status of the exchange live within the ServiceApp. This requires an internet connection to synchronize the data accordingly. If the automatic synchronization does not work, please exit the ServiceApp completely (also from the apps open in the background) and restart the app.